1.   Concentrations of the individual bile acids were calculated by comparing their peak areas with that of the internal standard coprostanol.

2.   SPF ratings are calculated by comparing the amount of time needed to produce a sunburn on protected skin to the amount of time needed for unprotected skin to burn.

3.   The rate is calculated by comparing the money supply for the month with the average figure during the last quarter of the previous year.

4.   This figure is calculated by comparing the money supply for the month with the average figure for the last quarter of the previous year.

5.   The figure is calculated by comparing the money supply for the month with the average figure in the last quarter of the previous year.

6.   The increase is calculated by comparing the money indicator for the last last trimester of the previous year.

7.   The figure is calculated by comparing the money supply during the month with the average figure during the last quarter of the previous year.

v. + calculate >>共 17
subtract 43.75%
multiply 15.00%
divide 13.75%
compare 8.75%
take 2.50%
use 2.50%
add 1.25%
analyze 1.25%
balance 1.25%
compute 1.25%
compare + v. >>共 34
be 27.94%
calculate 10.29%
do 7.35%
pay 4.41%
free 2.94%
evaluate 2.94%
illustrate 2.94%
see 2.94%
check 1.47%
determine 1.47%
每页显示:    共 7