1.   A comparative approach will identify Marketing factors which distinguish successful companies from less successful ones.

2.   Because of our comparative approach, we must regretfully bypass interesting problems within the individual countries.

3.   The comparative approach, like economic analysis, has both strengths and weaknesses.

4.   While the British constitution is the primary focus, members of the department have always valued comparative approaches to the subject matter.

5.   It has also been suggested that the comparative approach may help to develop explanatory theory of greater power and generality.

6.   The comparative approach allows two major tasks to be carried out.

a. + approach >>共 945
new 7.58%
different 6.96%
cautious 2.08%
such 1.84%
same 1.81%
similar 1.65%
best 1.39%
aggressive 1.31%
conservative 1.10%
traditional 0.94%
comparative 0.06%
comparative + n. >>共 225
figure 10.40%
study 6.93%
advantage 6.66%
literature 5.55%
datum 4.02%
religion 3.61%
analysis 3.05%
safety 2.36%
cost 2.08%
politics 1.80%
approach 0.97%
每页显示:    共 7