1.   Companies must work with financial institutions to boost their ability to deal on a global basis.

2.   Our two companies are working together for mutual benefit.

3.   The company is working hard to improve its image.

4.   The company is working to make its environmental performance measurably better.

5.   The company worked around the clock to repair the problem.

6.   The two companies often work in tandem.

7.   The company will work to minimize costs.

8.   The company is working hard to stay one step ahead of the competition.

9.   It is of particular value where international companies are working in different time zones and the telephone is not always a convenient method of communication.

10.   Most computer companies are working on setting up a computer recycling scheme, according to IBM environmental operations director John Gillett.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
company 2.33%
official 1.74%
people 1.62%
strategy 1.59%
government 1.49%
team 1.18%
man 1.09%
group 1.02%
employee 1.02%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
work 0.48%
每页显示:    共 567