1.   Employers who join the Compact make a collective guarantee to offer jobs to young people who have achieved the Compact goals.

2.   Every young person who has achieved the Compact goals will have an equal chance of securing a Compact job.

3.   Good attendance, alongside achievement of the other Compact goals is rewarded by the guarantee of a job offer.

4.   In addition, Compact offers the guarantee of a worthwhile job to students who do achieve these Compact goals.

5.   Is failure to meet Compact goals recorded on reports, records of achievement, testimonials, etc.?

a. + goal >>共 657
first 8.36%
second 5.01%
ultimate 2.94%
only 2.72%
main 2.37%
third 2.34%
winning 2.31%
the 1.62%
primary 1.29%
late 1.27%
compact 0.04%
compact + n. >>共 332
car 12.46%
sedan 3.78%
pickup 3.22%
sport 2.38%
model 2.38%
area 2.10%
size 1.68%
truck 1.26%
body 1.26%
cassette 1.12%
goal 0.70%
每页显示:    共 5