1.   Compact fluorescents can be found in department and hardware stores, or purchased from utilities, which sometimes subsidize the cost.

2.   Other manufacturers have been developing similar compact fluorescents.

3.   Replacing these with compact fluorescents saves a great deal.

4.   Their light bulbs are compact fluorescents that consume one-third the power of regular incandescent bulbs.

5.   Within five years, the industry believes, diode-based lights will be more efficient than compact fluorescents.

a. + fluorescent >>共 13
compact 27.78%
light 11.11%
energy-efficient 5.56%
flicker-free 5.56%
harsh 5.56%
marine-green 5.56%
new 5.56%
outdoor 5.56%
recessed 5.56%
similar 5.56%
compact + n. >>共 332
car 12.46%
sedan 3.78%
pickup 3.22%
sport 2.38%
model 2.38%
area 2.10%
size 1.68%
truck 1.26%
body 1.26%
cassette 1.12%
fluorescent 0.70%
每页显示:    共 5