1.   A man has not only a wife, but relations with other women that the community recognizes as, in essence, common-law marriages.

2.   Some believe that some such companies mislead consumers into thinking the scientific community recognizes the star they paid for.

3.   Such ministry is not a new idea, Fellers said, but its importance is growing as faith communities recognize that physical well-being is as integral as spiritual health.

4.   Ahmed and the U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said earlier the international community would not recognize a Burundian government installed by force.

5.   Denktash is insisting that the international community first recognize his breakaway state and that the EU end its discussions on admitting Cyprus.

6.   Efforts to restart talks have stuck on demand by Turkish Cypriot leader Rauf Denktash that the international community recognize his breakaway Turkish state in northern Cyprus.

7.   He also demanded that the international community formally recognize the independence of the province, arguing that this would speed up its integration into Europe.

8.   He also demanded that the international community formally recognize the independence of the province.

9.   In exchange the world community must recognize Indonesian sovereignty over the former Portuguese colony, he said.

10.   In exchange, he said, the world community must recognize Indonesian control.

n. + recognize >>共 691
government 5.98%
people 5.86%
country 4.50%
official 2.77%
state 2.57%
court 2.41%
company 2.13%
fan 1.65%
leader 1.57%
law 1.45%
community 0.72%
community + v. >>共 816
be 15.87%
have 6.52%
help 1.57%
take 1.57%
need 1.47%
do 1.35%
want 1.21%
try 0.95%
make 0.95%
remain 0.88%
recognize 0.36%
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