1.   In both, individual freedom dominates community obligations.

2.   Frequently we read of certain families, often but not always with money and some degree of prominence, who pass on their community obligations through generations.

3.   It was not clear how the bakery would fulfill its community service obligations.

4.   Some banks also snap them up -- even at rock-bottom yields -- to fulfill the community reinvestment obligations imposed by their industry regulators.

5.   The Probation Department sometimes comes up with a novel way for celebrities to satisfy community service obligations.

6.   Tommy Lee is abiding by terms of probation for spousal abuse and is steadily working at completing a community service obligation, a prosecutor said.

n. + obligation >>共 166
debt 19.03%
treaty 8.42%
tax 5.62%
mortgage 3.74%
pension 2.81%
disarmament 2.34%
payment 2.18%
service 2.03%
contract 2.03%
dollar 1.87%
community 0.94%
community + n. >>共 844
leader 13.42%
service 9.46%
group 8.28%
activist 2.72%
organization 2.57%
member 1.99%
program 1.91%
project 1.88%
work 1.45%
support 1.28%
obligation 0.09%
每页显示:    共 6