1.   Along with the recent development of community banks to accept cord blood donations from people like Sue Tighe, others are offering a private banking system for parents.

2.   Although it would be small for a bank with coast-to-coast ambitions, it would be much larger than most community banks.

3.   An OCC spokesman said the office likely will delay a decision while it reviews objections filed by Ghiglieri and an association of Texas community banks.

4.   And community banks, which make up the majority of Texas institutions and are considered the heart of the industry, are divided on the future of PC banking.

5.   And the smaller community banks do not have the market share to make the effort worthwhile.

6.   Bank deposits are often the primary source of capital for community banks, Ence said.

7.   Banks The only community development bank in California is the Community Bank of the Bay in Oakland.

8.   A number of small community banks around the state do have casual summers.

9.   After earlier mergers, McBride noted, credit unions and community banks have benefited by picking up customers from the big banks.

10.   Although big banks seem the chief beneficiaries of the new rule, smaller community banks expressed support.

n. + bank >>共 434
investment 34.12%
river 6.28%
creditor 4.65%
development 3.98%
food 3.41%
phone 2.96%
trust 2.85%
community 1.80%
credit 1.71%
memory 1.69%
community + n. >>共 844
leader 13.42%
service 9.46%
group 8.28%
activist 2.72%
organization 2.57%
member 1.99%
program 1.91%
project 1.88%
work 1.45%
support 1.28%
bank 1.17%
每页显示:    共 80