1.   Psychological causes Many psychological theories have grown out of the observations of the often abnormal communication styles of families of schizophrenic patients.

2.   The three categories of passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour are a useful way of differentiating and describing interpersonal communication styles.

3.   Many psychological theories have grown out of the observations of the often abnormal communication styles of families of schizophrenic patients.

4.   Finally, studies investigating the communication styles of parents were found to produce conflicting results.

5.   They did, however, find a higher rate of deviance in communication style, particularly among fathers, which was largely accounted for by overtalkativeness.

6.   Becoming a partner requires a professional to change not only her skills but also her communication style.

7.   After reviewing your own communication style, take a look at the communication style of your employee.

8.   His communication style is part of what and who he is.

9.   In an interview after the assembly, Whitestone said she believes that communication styles should be a matter of individual choice.

10.   In her workshops on male-female communication styles, she asks participants what they would most like to change about how the other gender communicates.

n. + style >>共 838
management 12.32%
leadership 5.12%
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communication + n. >>共 526
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