1.   Meeting inside a model could logically connect communications protocols to the model itself rather than the cultural norms of a geographical area.

2.   A. They should incorporate a common communication protocol.

3.   But instead of clanking around a laboratory room bumping into walls, software robots are programs that maneuver through cyberspace, bouncing off communication protocols and operating systems.

4.   But Microsoft sees its future as increasingly dependent on the rise of Web services, whose communications protocols allow the software of many vendors to share data and interoperate.

5.   Communication protocols dictate the way modems talk with each other.

6.   The companies said they will share technology and develop a standard set of communication protocols.

7.   The technology is ushering in a new communication protocol for the classroom.

8.   Debugging tools must be enhanced to account for issues that arise in a distributed environment, such as network load, communications protocols and security.

9.   Whathappens in between is of no consequence as the chips recognise each otherin a secure communications protocol.

n. + protocol >>共 136
peace 7.65%
trade 6.12%
draft 4.89%
treatment 3.98%
transfer 3.98%
research 3.67%
study 3.06%
security 2.75%
file 2.75%
communication 2.75%
communication + n. >>共 526
system 7.52%
equipment 6.03%
network 5.50%
company 5.32%
service 5.06%
director 3.84%
link 2.97%
skill 2.94%
technology 2.90%
problem 2.37%
protocol 0.16%
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