1.   So many communications modes!

2.   Communication modes need to be both written and oral.

3.   The I-Hub will also have gateways to new communications modes such as wireless data and cable TV.

4.   The system will also have gateways to new communications modes such as wireless data and cable TV.

5.   The alliance will also establish a link between two new communication modes and traditional television, broadcast and cable, the statement said.

n. + mode >>共 429
attack 5.55%
transfer 4.92%
crisis 3.40%
campaign 2.65%
survival 2.02%
sleep 1.64%
batch 1.26%
damage-control 1.13%
winter 1.01%
playback 0.76%
communication 0.63%
communication + n. >>共 526
system 7.52%
equipment 6.03%
network 5.50%
company 5.32%
service 5.06%
director 3.84%
link 2.97%
skill 2.94%
technology 2.90%
problem 2.37%
mode 0.09%
每页显示:    共 5