1.   Any discussion of siting has, therefore, concentrated on such factors as communication links, defensive positions and local bridging points.

2.   Inmos Transputers are unique because they combine a processor, communications links and memory on a single chip.

3.   Others have hired government relations consultants to help them build communication links with the Government and Whitehall.

4.   Really sophisticated users May like to invest in the ultimate communications link between the two systems, a local area network.

5.   The need for securing the communications link between computers via encryption is expected to rise.

6.   There is clear evidence that company success is closely related to the richness of its informal human communications links.

7.   An interactive communication system link between researchers on the ground and their experiments in space would reduce their reliance on a space station crew of just six astronauts.

8.   Andrew and I finally had the two-way video and audio communication link we wanted.

9.   Another worrisome prnblem is the deteriorating communications links between commanders in Moscow and rocket forces dispersed across the country.

10.   Anyone capable of commandeering the ground-to-air communications links necessary to perform remote piloting could produce a disaster without having to risk their life.

n. + link >>共 389
rail 9.37%
air 8.08%
trade 7.31%
communication 6.40%
telephone 6.21%
road 4.46%
transport 3.77%
satellite 3.47%
business 3.24%
radio 2.44%
communication + n. >>共 526
system 7.52%
equipment 6.03%
network 5.50%
company 5.32%
service 5.06%
director 3.84%
link 2.97%
skill 2.94%
technology 2.90%
problem 2.37%
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