1.   Submarine cables provide an attractive economic advantage for selected routes where the growth in demand for communications capacity is high.

2.   These findings suggest that the loss or decrease of gap junctions in gastric surface epithelium may be associated with gastric ulcer formation via changes in intercellular communication capacity.

3.   A New York Times News Service article about trades made by energy companies as they sought to develop a market in high-speed communications capacity misidentified one company.

4.   After the collapse of Enron, people wondered who would pick up the slack in the commodity trading of broadband communications capacity.

5.   Companies that had expected the Internet boom to result in rapidly expanding demand for communications capacity were among the hardest hit when the weakening economy squelched that demand.

6.   Demand for wireless communications capacities like mobile telephones and wireless data transmission is huge and growing in South Korea.

7.   Even with the vast increase in international communications capacity over the last few years, other bottlenecks evidently remain.

8.   Global Crossing and competitors had built up networks so extensive that it led to a glut of fiber optic communications capacity.

9.   Frontier Corp., which already owns a piece of the Qwest network, also has more communications capacity than it needs.

10.   In addition to measuring the absolute increase in computer and communications capacity, the researchers used a series of statistical techniques to measure changes in concentration over time.

n. + capacity >>共 329
production 19.89%
storage 7.65%
caretaker 3.72%
network 2.91%
lung 2.44%
channel 2.10%
output 2.10%
cargo 1.76%
memory 1.69%
transmission 1.69%
communication 1.35%
communication + n. >>共 526
system 7.52%
equipment 6.03%
network 5.50%
company 5.32%
service 5.06%
director 3.84%
link 2.97%
skill 2.94%
technology 2.90%
problem 2.37%
capacity 0.35%
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