1.   Communal tensions rose throughout India in October, prompted by a complex dispute over a religious shrine at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh.

2.   On the bright side, one could point to the almost complete disappearance of communal tension between Sikhs and Hindus.

3.   The factory hoped to avoid communal tensions, but the pro-poppy protesters gathered at the factory gates.

4.   Police in a southern Indian state on Tuesday banned a movie criticized by both Hindus and Muslims alike as igniting communal tension.

5.   It makes Trimble an unlikely figure to ease communal tensions or recruit Catholic support to his overwhelmingly Protestant party.

6.   Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Tuesday warned Opposition Leader Lim Kit Siang that action would be taken if he stirred communal tension.

7.   Sinn Fein accused a pro-British gang opposed to the talks, the Loyalist Volunteer Force, of killing the man in hopes of heightening communal tensions.

8.   The decisions kept simmering communal tensions from boiling over, but it was a close call with darkness yet to fall.

9.   There had been fears that the event could spark communal tensions across the whole country.

10.   Rao has insisted the Congress would retain power, portraying it as the only party capable of providing national and economic stability and checking caste and communal tensions.

a. + tension >>共 653
political 8.30%
racial 6.32%
ethnic 5.99%
rising 5.60%
growing 3.85%
heightened 3.63%
high 2.84%
military 2.79%
escalating 2.66%
mounting 2.56%
communal 0.20%
communal + n. >>共 363
farm 6.03%
violence 5.51%
kitchen 3.33%
property 2.08%
living 2.08%
experience 1.77%
land 1.56%
life 1.56%
unrest 1.46%
apartment 1.46%
tension 1.25%
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