1.   Alcohol is the most common cause of road accidents.

2.   France and Russia made common cause against Britain.

3.   U.S. officials expect other Western governments to make common cause with them over the arrests.

4.   The most common single cause was aircrew error.

5.   Indeed for me the conference was a great opportunity to meet so many CA staff, whose vitality and unity, in a common cause impressed me.

6.   Another common cause of recorded disputes was the theft of church property by laymen.

7.   In the weeks leading up to Live Aid, each singer and band forgot their ego and worked towards a common cause -- raising cash for the starving thousands.

8.   Fulminant hepatic failure has a very high mortality, especially when caused by acute viral hepatitis, which is the most common cause of this syndrome.

9.   Complete or partial occlusion of the portal vein is a common cause of portal hypertension in childhood.

10.   Clinicians need to be aware that this condition is not a rarity in later life but is a quite common cause of ill health and misery.

a. + cause >>共 776
natural 5.78%
leading 5.43%
possible 4.88%
exact 4.19%
main 4.14%
common 3.97%
major 3.90%
good 3.23%
palestinian 2.81%
likely 2.76%
common + n. >>共 911
currency 3.44%
practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
interest 1.72%
thread 1.54%
form 1.51%
share 1.34%
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