1.   A particularly sharp worry is that vancomycin itself may become ineffective against staph aureus infections, leaving no drug to combat this common bug.

2.   CDC also reported that a more common bug has gotten harder to treat.

3.   Doctors also fear several other common bugs, including food-borne E. coli and dangerous streptococcus pneumonia, might gain resistance to the Cipro family of antibiotics.

4.   Luckily, most common bugs are fixable.

5.   The game occasionally suffers from the delays that are the state of the art of current multimedia, but I ran into none of the common bugs and crashes.

6.   The good news with the Mac is that many common bugs are easily fixed.

7.   Preliminary research suggests that some headaches may be linked to infection with a common bug and that daily doses of friendly bacteria could ward them off.

a. + bug >>共 320
acting 4.11%
little 3.28%
electronic 2.13%
mealy 1.97%
bad 1.81%
good 1.64%
giant 1.64%
political 1.48%
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common 1.15%
common + n. >>共 911
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practice 3.14%
border 2.46%
problem 2.20%
cause 2.10%
criminal 1.77%
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bug 0.05%
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