1.   As with other aspects of the proposal, commodity assistance programs would be targeted to poorer countries exhibiting the greatest enthusiasm for market reforms.

2.   -- Ruled that participants in a commodity marketing program could be forced to pay for generic advertising campaigns.

3.   He dug into the operations of Conasupo, a Mexican food commodities program, and uncovered questionable purchases and payments, but the PRI shut down the investigation.

4.   He said his bill balances the need to restore and retain commodity support programs with generous financing for conservation.

5.   Martin, the Dole spokeswoman, said Dole cast the vote to save the sugar program because other commodity programs were being allowed to continue.

6.   Other commodity programs, including the beef and milk ad campaigns, are authorized under separate laws.

7.   Reductions in export subsidies, and other commodity programs make up the difference.

8.   Santorum said all federal commodity programs should be overhauled.

9.   The Agriculture Department buys large quantities of beef and pork through its commodities program for two reasons.

10.   The beef was donated to the school by the Department of Agriculture under its commodities program.

n. + program >>共 1065
government 3.08%
computer 2.82%
television 2.29%
weapon 2.13%
education 2.08%
news 1.91%
software 1.70%
space 1.54%
welfare 1.53%
treatment 1.30%
commodity 0.06%
commodity + n. >>共 172
price 35.55%
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fund 6.47%
exchange 4.55%
trader 3.21%
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