1.   The committee recommends a two-tier system of tests for identifying mutagens.

2.   The committee recommends that life should remain the maximum sentence but the judges should be given the freedom to impose, Whatever penalty they see fit.

3.   Committee recommended to approve a scheme which is a requirement of the planning permission for the neighbourhood development.

4.   Also in October, a presidential committee recommended bankruptcy law changes to Congress that generally would make it easier to file personal bankruptcy.

5.   An advisory committee has recommended that the drug be considered safe and effective, thus clearing the way for likely final approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

6.   Among the findings of the report issued Tuesday, the committee recommended that a secure phone system should be installed in all classified laboratory areas.

7.   An advisory committee recommended that President Clinton designate the Upper Mississippi River as an American Heritage River, making the area more receptive to revitalization efforts.

8.   An FDA advisory committee in May recommended the treatment for approval.

9.   An FDA advisory committee recommended removing the prescription requirement after experts said there were no potentially dangerous side effects.

10.   An advisory committee recommended that President Clinton designate the Rio Grande River as an American Heritage River, making the area more receptive to revitalization efforts.

n. + recommend >>共 530
report 8.77%
panel 6.77%
doctor 6.72%
commission 5.92%
committee 5.79%
expert 4.12%
official 2.81%
board 2.73%
police 1.90%
group 1.72%
committee + v. >>共 854
be 7.70%
say 4.91%
meet 4.36%
have 3.75%
approve 2.60%
recommend 2.45%
decide 2.34%
vote 1.78%
make 1.71%
hold 1.51%
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