1.   An internal committee forwarded a report to the NCAA this week, and UMass officials expect the organization to respond by May.

2.   Hubbell said that afterward he did not see them until the committee forwarded copies to him recently in preparation for his testimony Wednesday.

3.   If the committee does forward the new complaint to the outside investigator, it could open the door for a much broader review of GOPAC.

4.   The committee will forward its suggestion to House Speaker Booneua Prasertsuwan, he said.

5.   The committee forwarded the draft to the full Parliament, where lawmakers meeting in plenary session were expected to approve the laws later Thursday.

n. + forward >>共 296
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way 1.18%
effort 1.04%
freshman 1.04%
committee 0.74%
committee + v. >>共 854
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say 4.91%
meet 4.36%
have 3.75%
approve 2.60%
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vote 1.78%
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