1.   At that same session, the commission took no action on an allegation that Ribera bowed to political pressure from Maher when he named Welsh as his press officer.

2.   Besides granting licenses to casino operators and having to enforce gaming laws, the commission sometimes takes on a promotional role for the gambling industry, Nixon said.

3.   But an independent commission would take the heat off the lawmakers, putting reform in jeopardy, he said.

4.   But he said the commission can only take action when someone files a complaint, which has not happened.

5.   But some lawmakers say the commission may have taken their mandate too far.

6.   But the commission did take on the case of Sony workers in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, who say they were fired for trying to form an independent union.

7.   But the process is generally long, with months of hearings as the commission takes testimony from customers and other groups before making its decision.

8.   Censure, or public condemnation, is the second strongest action that the judicial conduct commission can take against a judge.

9.   Connor said he could offer no time frame for when the commission might take up the matter of placing the dump.

10.   Despite his violation of the Open Meeting Law, Mr. Jennings told Mr. Kunasek the commission would take no further action on the July vote on the service rules.

n. + take >>共 1201
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commission + v. >>共 810
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