1.   And yet commerce continued and business as usual continued.

2.   Commerce continued to be crippled for many retailers, taxi drivers, delivery services and others Tuesday.

3.   Even if Wall Street shut down on Good Friday, commerce elsewhere continued as normal.

4.   With younger consumers so comfortable in the interactive world, online travel commerce no doubt will continue to develop.

n. + continue >>共 1148
company 2.49%
investigation 2.20%
talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
economy 1.56%
investor 1.34%
trend 1.31%
negotiation 1.22%
price 1.20%
violence 1.07%
commerce 0%
commerce + v. >>共 116
be 24.60%
have 3.97%
grow 3.17%
take 3.17%
grind 2.38%
change 1.98%
go 1.98%
move 1.98%
continue 1.59%
make 1.59%
每页显示:    共 4