1.   His comments sent market indexes lower.

2.   His comments immediately sent Japanese markets into a tailspin.

3.   His comments sent stocks tumbling from Tokyo to Wall Street.

4.   His comments sent U.S. stocks and bonds falling.

5.   His comments sent the dollar to its lowest level for more than two months, which depressed exporters and international stocks, such as Unilever NV.

6.   His comments sent world markets lower, including other regional markets, Brazil and Mexico.

7.   That comment sent bond yields higher, making it more expensive for companies to finance their businesses.

8.   The comments sent bond yields higher, making it more expensive for companies to finance their businesses.

9.   The comments sent the dollar plunging more than one yen from its high, in turn weakening the U.S. currency against the German mark.

10.   The comments sent the lira plunging against the deutsche mark, also raising concern about whether monetary union would take place on schedule.

n. + send >>共 1025
government 4.44%
company 2.80%
official 1.67%
police 1.37%
group 1.35%
authority 1.27%
agency 1.19%
parent 1.19%
people 1.14%
country 1.12%
comment 0.22%
comment + v. >>共 408
be 33.37%
come 14.24%
follow 2.95%
appear 2.04%
reflect 1.89%
draw 1.78%
make 1.68%
suggest 1.63%
echo 1.37%
have 1.32%
send 0.62%
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