1.   Heat measurements from satellites, airplanes and ground-based detectors have been combined to determine the size and depth of the fires and which direction they are burning.

2.   The number of responses were combined to determine the overall name recognition of each sponsor.

3.   The results of the two runs are combined to determine the winner.

4.   Several systems will combined to determined the weather conditions across our area this afternoon and tonight.

5.   The finishing times of the partners are combined to determine the winners.

6.   The two are combined to determine which team will face relegation.

v. + determine >>共 170
use 20.44%
conduct 7.36%
investigate 5.71%
test 4.95%
work 3.41%
launch 2.97%
do 2.97%
meet 2.97%
perform 2.75%
open 2.42%
combine 0.66%
combine + v. >>共 292
make 11.14%
create 7.78%
form 5.63%
produce 5.63%
win 3.59%
give 3.35%
push 2.75%
keep 1.80%
cause 1.20%
drive 1.08%
determine 0.72%
每页显示:    共 6