1.   Few states in Africa have the resources to combat smuggling on their own.

2.   Last October, then Gov. Lawton Chiles met with state and federal officials to encourage them to share intelligence and resources to combat smuggling.

3.   The federal government has taken steps to combat smuggling.

4.   The Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate wants the IAEA to set up a unit to combat smuggling.

5.   Their provisions would beef up border patrols, combat alien smuggling and document fraud, speed up deportation and prevent unlawful residents from getting jobs and receiving welfare benefits.

6.   As part of the widening crackdown, Premier Zhu Rongji announced the setting up of a special force to combat growing smuggling, a crime often abetted by officials.

7.   Austria, like many other European countries, has complained that Swiss authorities do too little to combat smuggling and other customs evasion.

8.   Beginning Friday, Clinton was to participate in an eight-nation summit to combat nuclear smuggling, accidents and terrorism.

9.   He appealed for both nations to streamline border controls and reduce import tariffs as ways to promote trade and combat smuggling.

10.   Meanwhile, Romanian police and customs officials say they lack the training and equipment needed to combat smuggling.

a. + smuggling >>共 92
nuclear 14.63%
human 10.24%
alien 10.00%
rampant 4.63%
gold 4.39%
combat 3.90%
illegal 3.90%
alleged 3.41%
attempted 3.41%
migrant 2.93%
combat + n. >>共 558
troop 5.78%
zone 5.73%
terrorism 5.18%
operation 4.09%
unit 3.47%
helicopter 3.22%
aircraft 2.97%
mission 2.92%
boot 2.51%
gear 1.96%
smuggling 0.44%
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