1.   A software program entitled the Galaxies Visualization Environment turns documents into colored dots called docustars.

2.   It is characterized by patterns of colored dots encircling such icons as lizards and grubworms.

3.   The resolution of digital picture images is measured in pixels, the colored dots that combine to make up the picture.

4.   The result is usually displayed as a grid of colored dots, with red corresponding to genes that are on and green to those that are off.

5.   They worked on accuracy by placing colored dots on a net and having Bledsoe throw to them.

6.   This allows someone to pass a color test in which a number is written as a pattern of green dots on a background of colored dots.

7.   Toward the end of April, the throwing increased as the pair tackled accuracy by throwing at colored dots affixed to a net.

8.   While still a child, she hallucinated a world obliterated by colored dots and began punctuating her drawings with dots.

a. + dot >>共 130
tiny 12.15%
red 9.35%
black 8.64%
little 6.31%
small 6.07%
white 5.61%
green 4.67%
blue 2.57%
bright 2.10%
colored 1.87%
colored + n. >>共 636
light 6.50%
glass 2.57%
paper 1.93%
pencil 1.79%
egg 1.29%
sugar 1.07%
shirt 1.07%
cotton 1.07%
ribbon 1.00%
ink 0.86%
dot 0.57%
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