1.   Also, colors tended to be a bit darker then they appeared onscreen, but that also was fixable.

2.   Because warm colors tend to come forward in space, placing vivid flowers in a corner or at the end of a long passage helps to shorten the distance.

3.   Cape colors tend to the earthy tones -- camel, brown, gray, charcoal -- all colors that would top pantsuits nicely.

4.   Color tends to weaken compositions and contours, bleed away atmosphere.

5.   Colors tend to be more subtle in older Quimper.

6.   Colors tend to black, browns and beiges, sunrise and sunset golds and peaches, and many shades of green, from celadon to olive.

7.   Country colors tend toward camel, rust, saddle tan and brown.

8.   Dark colors tend to absorb heat, which can cause panels to warp and buckle irreversibly.

9.   It is mostly sold in white, because colors tend to fade, but still gives a filled pool a pristine blue color.

10.   The colors for charts intended to be printed are not as dark, because dark colors tend to get muddied in printing.

n. + tend >>共 2049
people 5.15%
woman 2.15%
company 1.61%
investor 1.49%
rate 1.48%
man 1.12%
price 0.96%
stock 0.89%
child 0.84%
fund 0.78%
color 0.12%
color + v. >>共 280
be 46.47%
come 3.49%
make 2.01%
range 1.81%
have 1.61%
include 1.48%
fade 1.41%
become 1.14%
seem 1.01%
change 1.01%
tend 0.67%
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