1.   In this study we investigated colonic motility in children with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction.

2.   Eating is an important stimulus for colonic motility in healthy human subjects.

3.   In conclusion, colonic manometry is a safe and effective means to evaluate colonic motility in children with CIP.

4.   Several factors most likely contribute to the development of chronic constipation such as intrinsic slow colonic motility and stool withholding secondary to painful large bowel movements.

a. + motility >>共 26
colonic 28.38%
gastrointestinal 10.81%
upper 8.11%
intestinal 6.76%
normal 6.76%
fasting 4.05%
abnormal 2.70%
disordered 2.70%
increased 2.70%
non-deglutitive 2.70%
colonic + n. >>共 89
mucosa 8.83%
motility 5.98%
cell 5.70%
cancer 4.84%
function 4.56%
carcinoma 4.27%
inflammation 3.70%
disease 3.70%
epithelium 2.85%
crypt 2.85%
每页显示:    共 21