1.   Colonic contents and faeces were freeze dried.

2.   As described by radiological methods, mass movements define an infrequent, aborally propagated displacement of colonic contents for long distances along the viscus.

3.   Some studies, however, suggest that low amplitude waves may also propagate over relatively long distances and may move colonic contents.

4.   After death, the caecum and colonic contents were collected, weighed wet, and then freeze dried and reweighed.

5.   In addition to the large increases in colonic SCFAs, there were also important changes in the physical properties of the colonic contents.

a. + content >>共 597
sexual 7.21%
fat 6.39%
editorial 4.37%
high 3.41%
local 2.59%
original 2.02%
political 1.87%
salt 1.35%
mineral 1.15%
entire 1.15%
colonic 0.29%
colonic + n. >>共 89
mucosa 8.83%
motility 5.98%
cell 5.70%
cancer 4.84%
function 4.56%
carcinoma 4.27%
inflammation 3.70%
disease 3.70%
epithelium 2.85%
crypt 2.85%
content 1.71%
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