1.   In inter-continental collision orogens major sustained horizontal stresses can be generated which give rise to recumbent folds.

2.   Several recent studies have indicated the significant role played by displaced terranes in the morphology and structure of both intercontinental collision orogens and continental-margin orogens.

3.   The other main rift type is to be found orientated approximately at right angles to the strike of intercontinental collision orogens.

n. + orogens >>共 2
continental-margin 66.67%
collision 33.33%
collision + n. >>共 58
system 15.38%
waiver 7.69%
site 5.98%
insurance 5.13%
damage 3.42%
avoidance 3.42%
device 3.42%
orogens 3.42%
result 2.56%
theory 2.56%
每页显示:    共 4