1.   Peter pulled up, but to his horror the glider chose to pull up as its method of collision avoidance.

2.   Experts caution that safeguards and collision avoidance can only do so much and that some factors may be beyond easy control.

3.   The system would give the railroads benefits beyond collision avoidance because it could be adapted to refine train dispatching and tracking systems.

n. + avoidance >>共 27
tax 56.41%
collision 5.13%
taxation 3.85%
draft 2.56%
meat 2.56%
risk 2.56%
accident 1.28%
conflict 1.28%
cost 1.28%
crisis 1.28%
collision + n. >>共 58
system 15.38%
waiver 7.69%
site 5.98%
insurance 5.13%
damage 3.42%
avoidance 3.42%
device 3.42%
orogens 3.42%
result 2.56%
theory 2.56%
每页显示:    共 4