1.   The earliest finding is the platelet adhesion to collagen fibres followed by aggregation and formation of a platelet plug.

2.   Fibrosis was variable, ranging from subtle, thin periportal and perisinusoidal collagen fibres to diffuse periportal and panlobular pericellular fibrosis.

3.   Such myofibroblast type cells were focally surrounded by mature collagen fibres.

n. + fibre >>共 29
nerve 25.35%
carbon 15.49%
muscle 8.45%
collagen 5.63%
twitch 4.23%
bulb 2.82%
coconut 2.82%
cotton 2.82%
plant 2.82%
rootlet 2.82%
collagen + n. >>共 24
injection 29.17%
fiber 10.42%
fibre 8.33%
growth 4.17%
production 4.17%
synthesis 4.17%
treatment 4.17%
barrier 2.08%
carpet 2.08%
collapse 2.08%
每页显示:    共 4