1.   The cock crows and the dawn chorus begins.

2.   A cock crows in Brooklyn.

3.   On the other side of the tracks, in the industrial part of town, where a cock crows and gulls cry, I visit a cannery.

4.   The poultry hall is safer, if noisy with cock crows.

5.   When the prediction came to pass, Peter heard a cock crow and broke down and wept.

n. + crow >>共 16
rooster 30.00%
cock 16.67%
jungle 6.67%
neighborhood 6.67%
baby 3.33%
comeback 3.33%
detractor 3.33%
enemy 3.33%
hen 3.33%
house 3.33%
cock + n. >>共 15
fight 28.57%
crow 17.86%
bird 7.14%
pheasant 7.14%
blackbird 3.57%
breeder 3.57%
costume 3.57%
day 3.57%
feather 3.57%
hop 3.57%
每页显示:    共 5