1.   First stop, the coat department.

2.   In the big stores, the clothes are dispersed -- coats in the coat department, evening clothes with evening wear and sportswear in yet another area.

3.   Next, we head to the coat department on five.

4.   There may be a group of cashmere sweaters in the sweater department and a group of coats in the coat department.

n. + department >>共 851
police 19.41%
health 7.77%
government 6.26%
city 1.59%
justice 1.38%
finance 1.20%
research 1.16%
service 1.15%
education 1.02%
personnel 1.01%
coat 0.06%
coat + n. >>共 97
pocket 23.05%
rack 9.22%
dress 8.51%
closet 3.90%
hook 3.55%
collar 3.19%
room 3.19%
sleeve 2.84%
protein 1.77%
check 1.42%
department 1.42%
每页显示:    共 4