1.   Coastal lagoons with brackish waters attract egrets, snowy plovers, ospreys, peregrine falcons and an assortment of shorebirds.

2.   McKeon described the site as a coastal lagoon separated from the ocean by a relatively long, thin, sandy spit.

3.   Most courses are open year-round with holes bordering the ocean, winding around coastal lagoons or through woodlands.

4.   The coastal lagoons form part of an ecosystem that is important to caribou and many other arctic mammals.

5.   The Villa Foscari, in Malcontenta di Mira on the banks of the Brenta River, is near the Venice coastal lagoon.

a. + lagoon >>共 92
waste 6.02%
shallow 4.82%
nearby 4.22%
venetian 4.22%
blue 3.61%
large 3.01%
coastal 3.01%
man-made 2.41%
lower 2.41%
open 2.41%
coastal + n. >>共 454
water 20.07%
area 11.70%
town 5.13%
city 4.87%
region 3.63%
resort 3.09%
flood 2.40%
highway 2.40%
community 2.08%
state 1.99%
lagoon 0.11%
每页显示:    共 5