1.   Entire coastal bays and lagoons along the coast have been fouled by oil spills and the runoff of toxic chemicals.

2.   When sailing in offshore winds, however, this rule is more often than not proved right, particularly in coastal bays.

3.   But environmentalists say the plan is short on water conservation measures and will not protect rivers and coastal bays on which wildlife depends.

4.   Environmentalists say the plan lacks needed water conservation measures and will not protect rivers and coastal bays on which wildlife depends.

5.   Ocean water that had drained from shallow coastal bays and inlets appeared to be returning gradually, without the destructive rush that had been feared.

a. + bay >>共 153
parking 4.93%
sick 4.93%
shallow 3.87%
loading 3.52%
nearby 2.46%
coastal 2.11%
open 2.11%
small 2.11%
dark 2.11%
calm 1.76%
coastal + n. >>共 454
water 20.07%
area 11.70%
town 5.13%
city 4.87%
region 3.63%
resort 3.09%
flood 2.40%
highway 2.40%
community 2.08%
state 1.99%
bay 0.13%
每页显示:    共 6