1.   If you like to see coaches laugh, you would have loved to see Bird giggling at Jason Miskiri when the guard asked out of the game.

2.   Informed that Burns considers him a whiner, the Sabres coach laughed heartily, the calm before his volley.

3.   The acting coach laughed when asked if there was ever a temptation to get in the golf cart and go for a ride.

4.   The Braves coach laughs off that concern.

5.   The coach laughed.

6.   The coach was laughing.

7.   The new coach laughed at the suggestion.

8.   The Ranger coach laughed when asked the question.

9.   This is why coaches always laugh and shake their heads when somebody with a microphone or a notepad talks about momentum.

10.   Thomas and his teammate Corey Wright were talking one day, wondering why their new coach was always laughing.

n. + laugh >>共 366
people 14.45%
audience 6.42%
man 4.56%
crowd 3.63%
kid 2.54%
player 2.28%
woman 2.20%
friend 2.03%
child 1.69%
student 1.35%
coach 0.85%
coach + v. >>共 1078
be 15.39%
say 7.36%
have 6.07%
do 2.24%
want 2.14%
tell 1.90%
make 1.61%
know 1.31%
take 1.30%
go 1.27%
laugh 0.11%
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