1.   Coaches dislike finger-pointers.

2.   Not that coach dislikes me.

3.   Pitino and Walker do not always get along, but the coach does not dislike him.

4.   Strangely, it was Dawes who benefited most from the selection procedure her coach disliked.

n. + dislike >>共 126
people 12.83%
investor 4.91%
panelist 4.15%
company 3.02%
voter 2.64%
doctor 2.26%
player 2.26%
fan 1.89%
conservative 1.89%
woman 1.89%
coach 1.51%
coach + v. >>共 1078
be 15.39%
say 7.36%
have 6.07%
do 2.24%
want 2.14%
tell 1.90%
make 1.61%
know 1.31%
take 1.30%
go 1.27%
dislike 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4