1.   All are located in close proximity to one another, providing scope for multiple syndicate as well as plenary sessions.

2.   Anyone can enter paintings in any style, and the lucky winners get hung, in rather close proximity, and sold.

3.   But Pam absorbed more than the luxuries of life from her close proximity to men in power.

4.   But suddenly she was filled with another fear - about the wisdom of staying on in such close proximity with him.

5.   Certainly he had not been in such close proximity to a pretty young girl for as long as he could remember.

6.   Here the rich and the poor live in close proximity .

7.   One of the great pleasures of the exhibition is to see so many works of high quality brought into close proximity.

8.   Organizational structure was driven by the necessity of having skilled negotiators in close proximity.

9.   Persinger has suggested that these reports might be hallucinations instilled into the witnesses by the effect of ionising radiation in close proximity.

a. + proximity >>共 48
close 59.80%
physical 6.64%
geographical 5.65%
geographic 4.65%
closer 2.99%
relative 2.33%
uneasy 1.99%
mere 1.33%
strategic 1.00%
daily 0.66%
close + n. >>共 428
friend 12.66%
tie 9.12%
range 5.31%
ally 4.09%
relationship 3.68%
attention 2.96%
race 2.72%
associate 2.62%
contact 2.55%
aide 2.34%
proximity 1.16%
每页显示:    共 179