1.   But others argued that cloning a person would be far from straightforward, and maybe impossible, using the methods that produced the cloned lamb called Dolly.

2.   The embryo thus created could in principle be brought to term if inserted in a uterus, a procedure that would lead to cloning the person.

3.   The ethics of cloning a person are as shaky as the technology, which is primitive indeed at this point.

4.   The group said efforts to clone a person would not be safe now because they would be too likely to result in malformed fetuses.

5.   The second experiment is the first demonstration of therapeutic cloning, a technique strongly opposed by those who fear it may be used instead to clone a person.

6.   Yet their cloning project has both the financing and the access to surrogate mothers that would be needed in any serious attempt to clone a person.

7.   Hoping to forestall criticism, scientists for Advanced Cell Technology say they have no intention of trying to clone a person and are interested only in treating disease.

8.   They say the science is too weak to justify cloning a person, but they hold strong hope for cloning to produce replacement cells.

v. + person >>共 639
kill 25.81%
injure 8.24%
arrest 3.45%
wound 3.16%
identify 2.40%
say 1.66%
take 1.50%
detain 1.32%
treat 1.23%
report 1.07%
clone 0.18%
clone + n. >>共 135
human 15.28%
animal 8.13%
sheep 7.14%
embryo 6.15%
calf 3.17%
pig 3.17%
cell 2.98%
baby 2.38%
gene 2.38%
people 2.38%
person 1.59%
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