1.   Scientists in Japan have cloned eight calves from cells they gathered from a slaughterhouse, creating eight identical copies of a single cow.

2.   Scientists in Japan report that they have cloned eight calves from cells they gathered from a slaughterhouse, creating eight identical copies of a single cow.

3.   The calves had been cloned from the cells of cow fetuses by publicly supported UMass scientists James Robl and Steven Stice.

4.   University of Georgia scientists have cloned eight calves, school officials announced last week.

5.   Working with ProLinia Inc., an agricultural biotechnology company, UGA animal science researchers have used cells from a slaughtered cow to clone a calf.

6.   A U.S. company, Advanced Cell Technology of Massachusetts, announced in January that it had cloned three calves using the Dolly technique.

7.   Although U.S. scientists successfully cloned calves using the same nuclear transfer technique, Holly and Belle were still front-page news here amid growing discussions on the controversial subject.

8.   Also, ABS Global Inc. of Wisconsin announced in August that it cloned a calf using a significantly different method.

9.   But Stice said that, unlike the method used with sheep, cloning the calves did not require surgery and was more efficient.

10.   He declined to give more details of how the calves were cloned, saying the company would explain the process at a Friday press conference.

v. + calf >>共 133
clone 6.02%
injure 4.14%
strain 3.76%
rope 3.38%
kill 3.38%
carry 2.63%
raise 2.63%
produce 2.26%
deliver 2.26%
nurse 1.88%
clone + n. >>共 135
human 15.28%
animal 8.13%
sheep 7.14%
embryo 6.15%
calf 3.17%
pig 3.17%
cell 2.98%
baby 2.38%
gene 2.38%
people 2.38%
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