1.   Like most tame human beasts, I prefer to organize my sleeping and waking around clock time.

2.   They last six minutes, with three minutes each allotted each player and game clock keeping time.

3.   We used a stopwatch to clock times.

4.   When you get right down to it, the impression of length is more important than clock time.

n. + time >>共 683
season 10.97%
year 8.36%
injury 3.37%
jail 3.13%
air 3.11%
week 2.64%
prison 1.85%
tee 1.59%
vacation 1.51%
ice 1.50%
clock 0.03%
clock + n. >>共 101
speed 11.87%
tick 8.27%
face 7.91%
management 6.47%
strike 3.96%
running 2.52%
cycle 2.16%
hand 2.16%
gene 1.80%
stop 1.80%
time 1.44%
每页显示:    共 4