1.   A changing climate will bring rising tides.

2.   For shareholders of utility stocks, many of whom are retirees, the new climate brings more volatility and threatens to make dividend payments less dependable.

3.   Previous research at the site has shown that a drier climate can bring on acid pulses as a result of complex chemical reactions.

4.   The climate of competition brought into relief how men and women were treated differently.

5.   Both Chatichai and Chuan said they had no plans to leave the opposition, but analysts cautioned that the current volatile political climate could bring further surprises.

6.   Nadelmann said the political climate also brought authorities to shutter a number of privately-funded clinics that help drug addicts and provide clean needles.

n. + bring >>共 1617
day 0.98%
government 0.95%
people 0.83%
company 0.82%
year 0.78%
team 0.66%
change 0.61%
police 0.58%
system 0.57%
election 0.56%
climate 0.04%
climate + v. >>共 167
be 31.30%
change 11.33%
improve 3.97%
make 3.40%
become 1.98%
help 1.70%
affect 1.56%
remain 1.56%
have 1.27%
warm 1.27%
bring 0.85%
每页显示:    共 6