1.   The agent does not have to disclose the amount his client paid.

2.   The company required clients to pay substantial fees in advance.

3.   Artists receive half of the fees paid by clients.

4.   After a client pays a fee, I Qualify will also mail him the current percentage rate for a mortgage and the monthly payment.

5.   Cheren said his client has not paid the civil penalty because the case is under appeal.

6.   Clients pay a hefty per diem fee if they do use the center, although most centers will let them run free tests of their systems.

7.   Clients do not pay as much attention to the precision of projected sales totals as they do the general trend, she said.

8.   Clients may pay extra, however, for agency services.

9.   Clients pay according to a sliding fee scale based on income.

10.   Electricity distributors also have to pay back millions of pesos in extra fees paid by clients while the companies fought unsuccessfully to block the rate reduction.

n. + pay >>共 754
company 8.38%
government 5.56%
people 3.76%
customer 2.14%
consumer 1.95%
money 1.77%
state 1.72%
investor 1.59%
bank 1.34%
employer 1.17%
client 0.36%
client + v. >>共 630
be 20.48%
include 7.92%
have 5.18%
want 2.97%
get 1.63%
do 1.44%
plead 1.27%
say 1.13%
come 1.06%
ask 1.06%
pay 1.01%
每页显示:    共 42