1.   Again, retention of client loyalty is in practice more easily achieved by effective notification.

2.   As many partners change firms, client loyalty often shifts to individual lawyers.

3.   It is not easy to build client loyalty in such a culture, as many other shops can attest.

4.   Their sustaining competitive advantage is to anticipate client needs andbuild loyalty through providing a total solution.

n. + loyalty >>共 106
brand 23.15%
customer 21.76%
fan 5.32%
company 4.63%
employee 4.17%
consumer 3.47%
team 2.08%
viewer 1.62%
worker 1.39%
group 1.39%
client 0.93%
client + n. >>共 282
list 9.30%
base 8.09%
company 5.07%
service 4.83%
group 3.50%
confidentiality 2.17%
relationship 2.05%
business 1.57%
information 1.45%
money 1.45%
loyalty 0.48%
每页显示:    共 4