1.   And as in the late-night war itself, the only opinions that really count are the ones of the folks clicking their remotes.

2.   If it gets unpleasant, you click the remote.

3.   But due to a delicious bit of television gamesmanship, viewers will be able to see him sing by clicking their remotes.

4.   The idea is to promote a natural audience flow from one to another so no one clicks the remote.

v. + remote >>共 46
grab 7.04%
click 5.63%
hit 5.63%
have 5.63%
use 5.63%
hold 4.23%
control 4.23%
get 2.82%
consider 2.82%
operate 2.82%
click + n. >>共 97
mouse 17.52%
button 16.44%
heel 8.36%
way 6.74%
tongue 5.66%
finger 2.43%
link 2.16%
camera 2.16%
shutter 2.16%
icon 1.35%
remote 1.08%
每页显示:    共 4