1.   At other times, the child may have some abnormalities, such as a cleft lip, that could be part of a genetic syndrome.

2.   Repairing a cleft lip or palate in the developed world is a rather low-risk proposition, and in the United States, deaths are extremely rare.

3.   The more common ones included heart defects, cleft palate, cleft lip, club foot and limb defects.

4.   The Plastic Surgery Hospital in Beijing had never had a child die during cleft lip or palate surgery until Operation Smile, doctors there said.

5.   There was Maria, with a cleft lip and palate.

6.   Although a cleft lip is also sometimes called a hare lip, this term refers only to a midline cleft lip, which is extremely rare.

7.   Cleft lip and palate are present from birth, occurring either singly or together.

8.   Dau said she never saw a child with cleft lip before her daughter was born five years ago.

9.   Keach was born with a cleft lip, which was corrected surgically.

10.   Nguyen Thi Dung will no longer need to use her hands to hide a cleft lip following plastic surgery Monday by a team of American and Vietnamese doctors.

a. + lip >>共 276
lower 16.31%
upper 12.10%
red 4.72%
dry 2.77%
pursed 2.67%
swollen 2.36%
loose 2.26%
fat 1.85%
thin 1.74%
full 1.54%
cleft 1.44%
cleft + n. >>共 4
lip 63.64%
chin 22.73%
stick 9.09%
valley 4.55%
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