1.   His once-flowing locks are now short and blown back and his previously clean-shaven cleft chin is bearded.

2.   His pedigree, combined with a pugnacious cleft chin and demeanor of granite, might seem a classic profile for a new police commissioner.

3.   The cardinal is a gentle, slightly gaunt man, with thinning hair and a deeply cleft chin.

4.   The full lips are quick to smile above a cleft chin.

5.   Travolta and his cleft chin.

a. + chin >>共 103
weak 4.84%
dimpled 4.30%
strong 4.30%
receding 3.76%
little 3.76%
suspect 3.76%
jutting 3.23%
cleft 2.69%
small 2.69%
determined 2.69%
cleft + n. >>共 4
lip 63.64%
chin 22.73%
stick 9.09%
valley 4.55%
每页显示:    共 5