1.   An officer visited the Mill Lane Industrial Estate and found the company still carrying out their cleaning operation.

2.   Integrating soaking with cleaning operations is also useful.

3.   For Rabbi Eli Cohen and his wife, Yehudis, who are Lubavitcher Hasidic Jews, spring means Passover, and Passover means an Olympic-caliber cleaning operation.

4.   He performed a series of cleaning operations, first with solvents, then with a microscope and scalpel, to remove old varnish and remnants of earlier retouchings.

5.   The authority is revising its cleaning operations in a way that should raise their efficiency, he added.

6.   In neighboring Hong Kong, food and hygiene officials have stepped up control measures against dengue fever, including cleaning operations to kill mosquitos.

7.   The city hall advised vehicles not to enter the city to help the rescue and cleaning operations while schools remained closed for the day.

8.   He said the fire broke out on a plastic sheet the workers had used to cover the floor during the cleaning operation.

9.   Snow surrounding the research facility has already been removed, but the cleaning operation was expected to continue until Friday evening.

10.   That is going to entail a massive cleaning operation of so many monuments erected over the centuries, the obelisks and statues, the walls and famous fountains.

a. + operation >>共 1080
military 10.21%
peacekeeping 4.68%
special 2.08%
day-to-day 2.01%
joint 1.73%
international 1.64%
major 1.20%
new 1.11%
normal 1.00%
overseas 0.97%
cleaning 0.06%
cleaning + n. >>共 219
product 6.64%
agent 5.49%
crew 5.36%
service 4.73%
solution 3.58%
house 3.45%
supply 3.19%
company 2.68%
staff 2.55%
fluid 2.55%
operation 1.40%
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