1.   Den left the next day, needing to make a clean break.

2.   Gossip has it that his wife had recently left him and he wanted to make a clean break.

3.   He says it indicates a clean break with a stupid and superstitious past.

4.   It was best to make a clean break.

5.   The adoption of an economy based on farming did not effect a clean break.

6.   I wanted a clean break so that I could restart my life.

7.   Making a completely clean break with the past, the couple got rid of all their old furniture.

8.   She wanted to make a clean break from her mother and father.

a. + break >>共 526
all-star 18.00%
big 5.29%
commercial 4.62%
first 3.61%
short 2.69%
lucky 2.51%
clean 2.40%
bad 2.34%
early 1.96%
long 1.85%
clean + n. >>共 691
water 12.36%
air 7.34%
sweep 3.63%
slate 3.49%
government 2.35%
break 2.35%
sheet 2.21%
record 2.01%
clothes 1.56%
program 1.30%
每页显示:    共 82