1.   A clay sculpture of an eagle that was so malformed that it looked more like a feathered football.

2.   An art exhibit starting next month will feature clay sculptures by the Lost Boys of cows, bulls, goats, camels and crocodiles.

3.   Clinton shopped the local craft stands and was shown a clay sculpture of his head with a turban.

4.   He would make a concept drawing, and she would translate it into a three-dimensional clay sculpture.

5.   Libensky paints and sketches, and Brychtova makes clay sculptures from his designs.

6.   Among the works were flesh-colored clay sculptures of genitalia in flowerlike formations.

7.   He also was adept in clay sculpture.

8.   Marianna Gasteyer makes clay sculptures in Corrales, N.M.

9.   Marianna Gasteyer makes clay sculptures in Coralles, N.M.

10.   This time, with only one course to teach, she is freer to concentrate on her own raku clay sculpture.

n. + sculpture >>共 136
ice 11.92%
wire 3.85%
clay 3.85%
temple 3.08%
steel 2.31%
relief 2.31%
wall 2.31%
snow 1.92%
memorial 1.92%
plaster 1.54%
clay + n. >>共 223
court 15.49%
pot 8.46%
tournament 5.49%
soil 4.62%
specialist 4.07%
surface 3.19%
title 2.64%
tile 2.53%
event 2.42%
season 1.87%
sculpture 1.10%
每页显示:    共 10